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( Takeaways: What are dark and light themes? How to choose the best theme for yourself)


There are usually two types of color schemes on the 

user interface.

  1. Dark text on light background, which is called the Light Mode.
  2. Light text on dark background which is called the Dark Mode.

The Dark Mode is one of the favorite features of millennials. 

However, Dark Mode is not completely a new thing. 

The very first computer was built with dark mode. The old computer monitors were Cathode Ray screens. They had only green text on the dark screen. Later, white texts came on green screens.

Today’s Light Mode theme comes from the 80s. Xerox, Now known as CPT Corporation, replicated the classic black ink on white paper onto their screens.

The Dark Them also has been in use by coders and web developers for a long time.


Black or Dark Mode is especially popular among millennials. Its popularity was backed up by the claims of being more power-efficient. 

It was well adapted by everyone. All the tech giants and social media platforms added the dark theme to their channels. Other themes were also introduced, but no other theme gained popularity like Dark Theme.


According to the study conducted by Purdue University, (,-but-there-are-a-few-silver-linings.html) the battery efficiency increased by switching to Dark Mode from Light Mode is 3-9%. 

  • From the most primal aspect, we humans have been used to watch things on a lighter background. 
  • Humans evolved to see things during the day, under the light of the sun, when there were no light bulbs.
  • Light background on dark text is the most suited contrast for the human brain.
  • People with an eye condition called Astigmatism cannot read light text on a dark screen. This color scheme blurs their vision even more.
  • White color reflects all the wavelengths visible spectrum to the human eye.
  • Iris does not have to make major adjustments while reading on white background.
  • It helps in better comprehension as well.
  • Iris has to expand for reading on a dark background.
  •  However, not permanent, but Dark Mode use in access may cause eye sensitivity to the brightness.
  • Healthy consumption of blue light helps mental health.

All the gadgets have their effects on users to some extent.  We should make an informed decision. Choose what suits you best. 

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